Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Lead Generation On Steroids

Lead Generation Tips For Realtors - Learn everything about blogging, social media, cold calling, branding, and more. This is the place for free real estate lead generation tips.

Have you ever thought about why everyone tells you to cold call?
Or about why you’re supposed to call your sphere?

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This recommendation goes back YEARS because it was the most personal and efficient way to reach everyone.
It kind of looked like this…


It was a really reasonable thing to cold call and call your sphere from the 1950’s through the early 2000’s.
Because it worked!

::: BUT THEN :::

The cell phone happened.
And soon there wasn’t one phone number per house but many…
And soon people simply started screening their calls.
And now, even your mom probably screens your phone calls.

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Here’s the thing:
Whether you’re trying to cold prospect or touch base with your sphere…

So, what can you do to replace those personal phone calls?

Think back…what was and still is more effective than phone calls?
Answer: Face-to-Face meetings
Your cold prospects and sphere get to see you. They see your face…your body…hear your voice.
This type of marketing is the best. It’s even better than phone calls used to be.
But, we couldn’t meet face-to-face with everyone because it’d take too much time.
Here’s the thing:
Video gets across most of the benefits of face-to-face marketing while letting your leads or cold prospects view it on their own time!
You can now replace some of those phone call touches to people in your sphere with video marketing! And get better results!
You can now replace some of that cold calling with video marketing! And get great results.

Here are…

3 Ways To Save 300+ hours of cold calling with FB Video

Tip 1) Upload Your CRM/Contact List To Facebook And Show Them Videos

Here’s the coolest thing about Facebook Videos…
They Autoplay!
This means that when people are scrolling through their Facebook feed and they see your video ad, it will play automatically!

One of the best ways to use this technology is by hooking up your CRM to Facebook Ads.
Here’s how you do that:
Step 1) Export Your Leads As A CSV


Step 2) Upload Your Leads To Facebook’s Custom Audiences


That’s it!
Now you can sit back and run Facebook Video Ads that only your sphere will see

: Ideas For This :::

Is it close to a Holiday?
Great! Record a quick holiday greeting video… Upload it to Facebook… And run a video that only your sphere sees!
Would you usually call your sphere this month and talk about home valuations rising?
Great! Make a video discussing the same topic… Upload it to Facebook… And run a video ad that only your sphere sees.

You can use this tactic for nearly every type of touch you used to give to people in your sphere.
It’s a great way to replace hours and hours of calling. And to make sure that people are actually seeing your face and remembering you!
The best part is that these ads can link to your LeadSite. And you can start capturing them when it’s time to buy a home.
Instead of calling people for hours trying to wish them a Happy Holiday or inform them about the market, you can make one video. And then advertise specifically to your sphere on Facebook!
Here’s a pro tip:
When you run these video ads, monitor the frequency number Facebook gives you.
The frequency is the number of times everyone on your list saw your ad.
If you get a frequency number above 2.0, that’ll ensure that everyone on your CRM list has seen your video!

Make Community Videos And Target ‘Likely Movers’ Nearby

Finally, one of the coolest things about Facebook video is it lets you run your ads against people likely to move.
Want to sell more houses in a zip code?
Simply make a video describing your past success selling houses in that zip code… and run Facebook ads for likely movers in those areas.
Set it up like this:
You simply put the zip code into the area that you are talking about in your Facebook video.
And then target people who are likely to move!
It’s that simple!

Calling leads in real estate can take up so much time! And its effectiveness is seriously dropping.
Should you stop calling leads entirely? Of course not!
But this list of ideas should help you boost the touches you’re able to accomplish with your leads…while boosting the quality.
This should lower the amount of calls you have to make in a given year. And can save you well over 1 hour per day. If you’re saving 1 hour per day, you really can save well over 300 hours per year just by implementing some quick and easy Facebook video strategies!

Need more qualified leads?

This Lead Capture Website Is Making Waves:
Real estate lead generation is changing. This is no longer 1980 where cold calling will get the job done.

You need a strategy for your website that changes the game in your favor. This under-the-radar solution helps you corner your market and get more leads.

Have you ever felt like this?
time management

If you’ve been in real estate for any amount of time, you’ve probably felt like this.
A client emails you at 8pm and expects a response within minutes…
Or a client calls you at 11pm and expects you to answer…

This can be super stressful!

You only get paid when they finish the deal. And so it’s hard to not take every notification you get as a life threatening event!
This can create a self-feeding cycle where you as an agent slowly let real estate consume you. And can also lead to burn out.

But let’s peek behind the curtain and figure out “why do your clients call at night?”

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Most of these problems are solvable with preventative action.
The four steps below will help you build systems that create that preventative action.
But why’s this matter?
Because being in real estate is kind of like this:

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You simply can’t build a stable business without every one of those steps.
And you can’t expect the number of phone calls you get late at night to decrease until you successfully implement a system that replaces you answering those late night phone calls.

Here are the four steps you need to take to prevent those late night calls:

Step 1: Generate Leads

The first step towards not answering the phone at night is generating leads.
Real estate is the business of lead generation.
It’s that simple. If you don’t have leads, you don’t have a business.
And if you don’t have a business, you are so dependent on every freaking deal that you have to answer the phone at midnight.
Because you don’t have enough cash flow coming through your real estate business to hire assistants without leads.
Here are several ways to generate enough leads to start working on systems to prevent late night calls:
  1. Get a LeadSite and use it daily
  2. Try Cold Calling Daily
  3. Join a real estate team
  4. Use Social Media with this give-away trick
  5. Call your sphere while using SEO to grow your sphere

Honestly, the tactics here are endless. The key is picking 2-3 that you can commit to doing everyday for the next year.
Generating leads (using any method) is similar to investing into a 401k. 
You’ll see little immediate returns. But over the course of a year, the returns start to get compounding effects.

Look at this:

Image Found On Financial Planning
Over a 1 year period, you are putting in the effort of the blue line. And you get the reward of the red line.
Let’s take blogging as an example….
If you write 1 blog post per week, you’ll have 50 at the end of one year.
Given the law of compounding returns, you’ll actually reap rewards like you wrote 150 blog posts.

The cool thing is that these results (and the leads that come with it) help you generate enough business to hire people.
And then these people you hire can prevent you from having to work 24/7. Building incoming funnels of leads is the first step towards freedom of time.

Step 2: Build Great Systems

After you’ve generated enough leads and business, the next step is systematizing your business.
For example, what emails get sent to what clients? When do they get sent? What needs to happen before the closing date? And when does that need to happen?
You will personally handle all these details for the first few clients. But, as leads grow, this work slowly overwhelms you.
The key here is this:
You must document every part of your business.

Try documenting everything in SkimWiki:
SlimWiki is this awesome service you can use to flesh out your internal guides.

You can create standard procedures for nearly everything. You can easily edit pages. And add team members.


Step 3: Opposites Attract

The next step of outsourcing yourself from late night client phone calls is to find a real estate partner.
The key here is to find someone who is opposite of you.
Because you need two types of thinking in a real estate team…
You need the typical sales person and the business developer.
The sales person is always hunting for more leads and working on the sales process. This includes things like blogging, marketing, follow up process, and more.
And the business developer is always working on the internal client process. They need to build systems so that the paperwork is always completed 100% properly. And sellers are staying up to date on the progress of their listing being sold.
These two activities are very different. And require different types of thinking.
You’ll never fully be able to separate yourself from clients calling you unless you perfect both systems.

Step 4: Build The Machine That Builds The Machine

Your goal as a business owner is simply to put something in place that makes your assistants, sales representatives, other agents, and clients lives better tomorrow. Here are what 8 agents do on a daily basis to build their businesses.
The ultimate version of this is building something that makes itself better.
For example, if your assistant discovers something wrong with the way you’re filing paperwork for certain mortgages….
Do they fix the system?
Do they alert you to fix the system?
This final step is how you create a business that can fully operate without you. And prevent clients from calling you at night.

What’s the hardest thing to create as a real estate agent?
real estate lead generation tools
Think about it:
Every other business can invent its way out of this problem…
  • Uber made an app that’s easier than taxis.
  • Amazon introduces drone delivery.
But in real estate, you largely have to compete with people who can “SAY” they do the same things you do. So how do you compete?

Here’s a way that in 60 seconds you can start standing out against the competition, and converting more passerbys into clients.

It starts with this:
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No one will care about you until they trust you.
So, your sole goal is to make them trust you more than the next agent.

BUT there’s a problem:
People are now figuring out who to trust by doing research online. They AREN’T asking you questions, or contacting you.
They’re stalking you and 2-3 other agents before contacting everyone. It’s kind of like a glacier:

real estate lead generation tools


How do you build extra trust with all these people who are searching on Zillow?




Here’s how:

You’ll notice that when it’s time to make their move, they start to scope you out.
And your sole goal at this point in the transaction is to make them trust you.

But it doesn’t stop there!

Trust is built primarily through repetition.
People need to see you over and over again. And the more they see you the more likely they are to do business with you.
Most normal agents will focus on converting the most amount of people that visit their site from Zillow.

But you want to capture them, and show ads to them over & over again. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Rainmakers...come out and play!

As a famous mermaid in a popular Disney movie once sung…. “I want to be where the people are”. This quote holds true especially when talking about real estate marketing. If you are marketing yourself or your team you need to get your message ‘where the people are’. Depending on your demographic, postcards, open houses and some older types of marketing simply might not be the places where the most people are anymore.

Enter Facebook. Launched in 2004, the social media giant now boasts over 1.28 billion* active users . Just for reference that’s about the population of China or 3.5 times the population of the US.
Now many real estate agents already use Facebook, but do you use it for business? Every week I consult with Realtors who tell me that they are on Facebook, and they want to use it for business but they either don’t know what to post or don’t have time. That’s why my team and I compiled a list of easy things to post on Facebook — things that WILL make a difference in your real estate business.

First things first: The Difference between your business page and your personal page.

Would you rather interact on Facebook with a business or a human being? If the answer is as simple to you as it is to me then the type of page you should use is simple. Businesses should have business pages, and individual sales people should use personal pages. Not only will you spur more interaction, Facebook will give you more publicity, here’s how it works: When you post as a business Facebook promotes your messages on average to less than 10% of your fans unless you pay. When you post on your personal page you can reach a much higher percentage of your friends based on when you post, and who is online in the 48hours around when you post.

Tips for What Realtors Can do on Facebook to Attract Business and Brand Themselves

1. Make friends methodically– add all past clients who you want to work with again as friends… this will end up being more effective than a CRM strategy and will cost you nothing (still add to crm).

1.5 (mastermind level)– time block 5 minutes on your calendar for every Friday to add everyone you met that week on Facebook and send them a short message. Simply adding people without messaging them is great but never establishes that you are up for easy communication.

2. A picture tells a thousand words– When you share a photo it usually reaches more people due to Facebook’s algorithm. Photos are easy to take especially if you have a smartphone and remember they don’t have to be professional grade photos.  After you take a photo always post a sentence or 2 about them. Here are some things you can take pictures of and share that will engage your friends and clients and brand yourself as a Realtor/professional/awesome person.

2.1  Take pictures of your family!! This humanizes you and ensures that you are posting more than just boring listings and realty stuff Treadstone Mortgage icon smile Ultimate Guide to Making it Rain with Facebook   Realtor Edition

2.2 Take pictures of the homes you are showing, not just listing. Focus on cool details of the properties, not always the front of the house, describe what’s cool about them. Don’t always include price, if people are interested they will ask.
2.3 Take pictures while you work– show how fun and awesome your office and co-workers are. Emphasize that the market is busy etc…

2.4 Take lots of pictures at closing!! Take a picture of your clients, with your clients etc, then share these and tag them on Facebook with congratulations. There friends will then see this, and you will be tied to it!

2.5 Pet Pics– Cats and sex are the 2 most searched things on the internet. People love pets. A cute or ugly animal will always get some likes/comments which will then draw attention to your other realty stuff or your profile. For an added bonus take pics of animals at houses you show and mention real estate in a positive way.

2.6 Streets/landmarks– Take a picture of a street/house/landmark and make people guess where it is located. We did this and whoever won got  a $25 gift card. Had over 100 people engage with us, all of whom were reminded what type of business we were in!

2.7 Throwbacks– We have all seen the “throwback Thursday”.. you post a picture of you when you were younger, people laugh and enjoy. Shows your personality!

2.8 Trends/memes– There is always some kind of trendy meme picture going around. Share/repost the ones you like. Don’t share anything offensive, but remember people like to laugh.

2.9 Profile Pic– switch out your profile pic from time to time, this gets even more free publicity than other things you share because it stays around longer.

3. Talk about the areas you want to work in– Post about restaurants, parks, businesses and events that are happening in the communities which you work or want to be associated with.

3.1 Mastermind level– Do a blog on things going on in these areas and then share the blog– this will get you the added SEO as well. 

4. Tag away– Tagging people guarantees that they see what you post and as long as its not spammy is a great way to be outgoing on Facebook.

4.1 tag your business partners and affiliates, like your lender Treadstone! People love getting a pat on the back and will usually reciprocate back to you.

5. Birthdays– One of the easiest things on Facebook is to wish your friends a happy birthday. Facebook makes this pretty easy, try to say a little more than just happy birthday to really stand out.

5.1 Mastermind level– Take it to the next level and send them a personal facebook message and take it one step further than a birthday to see how they are doing and hopefully spur a conversation.

6. Numbers don’t lie– Go to your local boards website or similar tool and post helpful and TRUE statistics about how the housing market is doing in specific areas. People love to see this stuff. Engage people, and ask your friends if they think this is true in their neighborhood as well.

7. Pose a question to your facebook audience– People love being the expert and recommending friends, restaurants, and other services. Ask your friends what the best burger in your target community is, best Italian food etc….

8. Listen for a sec– Instead of posting something, comment and like the things that your friends are doing. This ensures they see a little notification and are reminded that you exist. Listen carefully for life triggers that might signal they need to make a real estate move soon… ie having a baby, changing jobs, etc.

9. Give industry tip/advice– Post something that most people don’t know about the home buying process…. frame it as a “did you know” or other important fact.

10. Curated Content– Share a great article that someone else shared– you will not only make them feel special for sharing what they posted but when you share good information that is relevant it brands you as an expert or information source.

10.1 — Articles on industry trends.

10.2– Articles on home repairs, gardening, staging, etc.

10.3– Local community stories/event.

11. Every month post the average sold prices for some of the communities you specialize in, it might take some math but its much more valuable than the aggregated types of data people usually share.

12. Want listing leads? — Create a page on your website (if software available) that lets people find out the value of their home. Then promote this on your business page– share it with your personal page– and then promote it from your business page with Facebook’s boost post tool. You can even narrow it down to pay to advertise only to people in select cities that you target.

13. Messages > email — In an age when everyone sends mass emails all the time, its just not enough to stay in touch with clients. Facebook makes people expect a higher level of communication.

Facebook message people individually and engage them in conversation. Typically you say hi, they say hi back, you ask how its going, they ask you how its going… here is the key– when they ask you how you are doing tell them how great you are and how busy you are because the real estate market is crazy and homes are selling for above asking price or some other positive realty stat. This refreshes the idea in people’s mind that you are a successful busy Realtor.

14. Dynamic Search Prospecting– This is definitely in the mastermind level but its good information for all. From your computer (much harder on smartphones/tablets) go to the search bar at the top of your Facebook screen. You can search for people in your target market and find people you know, kind of know, and don’t know who might fall in that market. For instance you could pull up all of the public profiles of “engaged people who live in Jenison, MI“. There are countless other ways to filter profiles but some common ones include: relationship status, city live in, hometown, college attended, place of work, job title, pages people like, the list goes on… You could start by searching for engaged people in your target market and then message the ones you have friends in common with first to see if they are going to be buying a home soon, if someone doesn’t respond, don’t worry, just keep trying… its all a numbers game.

15. The Other Inbox– this one isn’t so much a marketing tip as it is a tip for not missing out on leads. Facebook has a weird system of having 2 inboxes that they don’t publicize. To access it login from a computer or from safari on your phone and go to your normal inbox, at the top it should say “other” click it! Some messages from people you aren’t friends with or messages Facebook perceives to be spam may end up here, a big problem for sales people. Click here to read more on the topic.

That’s it for now– I think you all should have enough Facebook marketing for real estate to keep busy for at least a year.

Prospecting Magic! Real Estate Marketing Ideas For Daily Growth

Quick question: How many leads do you want to get per month 1 year from now?

I'd bet that number is higher than your current lead count. Yet, often times we struggle to make time for the marketing activities that will help us hit those goals. One of the things I constantly hear from agents no matter the real estate marketing idea is “I don’t have time for that”.
And I get it.

But what if there were ways to invest a very small amount of time today into an activity that would boost business in the future?
…would you do it?

I think most of you would. So, today, I’m going to be breaking down an entire year’s worth of marketing activities that only take a few minutes each. The cool thing is if you follow along with the plan, you will have invested so many hours into your business by the end of the year. Just think about what that can do…

Why do small daily tasks ultimately win over focusing on large wins? Because marketing is best done over the long haul. It’s a long-term game.

This checklist will force you to make small but daily improvements instead of gunning for HUGE (probably unattainable) major wins. 

Monday Activities: Traffic Generating Activities

The first thing every business needs is traffic. If you’re a Subway franchise, this probably means being located by a lot of car traffic. If you’re a Walmart in the 1980’s, you had to have a minimum county population of 5,000 people.

And if you’re an agent, you need a substantial number of people to see your signs, postcards, websites, blogs, and more in order to survive. These 50 tips focus on generating traffic or awareness of your brand.

The Real Estate Marketing Ideas:
  1. Schedule a week’s worth of Facebook posts with Buffer
  2. Monitor Twitter for key buying/selling terms and reach out
  3. Host a fun event and have your sphere invite their friends
  4. Partner with local dog shelters to target other dog lovers (if you’re into dogs)
  5. Schedule a week’s worth of LinkedIn posts with Buffer
  6. Upload a listing presentation to SlideShare and share it to social media
  7. Create a quick YouTube Video explainer video about your specific listing marketing plan
  8. Schedule a weeks’ worth of Twitter posts with Buffer
  9. Get a postcard and do Every Door Direct Mail
  10. Buy coffee for the person behind you at Starbucks and start a conversation
  11. Schedule a week’s worth of Google Plus posts with Buffer
  12. Send a series of letters to FSBOs
  13. Reach out to a local business you’ve worked with in the past for mutual marketing opportunities
  14. Create a neighborhood board on Pinterest and invite neighbors to post on it
  15. Send a newsletter to your list
  16. Call 1 past client that you haven’t touched in awhile
  17. Buy 3 past clients $5 Starbucks cards and include a small CTA for referrals or testimonials
  18. Update or create your email signature
  19. Create a quick YouTube Video explainer video about a neighborhood you’re farming
  20. Boost a post on Facebook to get more people seeing your content
  21. Post an ad on Craigslist for a property you are listing
  22. Put together a market research survey using free Google Forms and send it to past clients
  23. Put together a research survey for people that didn’t hire you and send it out to them
  24. Write a quick 250 words of content on your website‘s neighborhood pages
  25. Create a quick YouTube Video explainer video about the perks you provide buyers
  26. Hire an admin or high schooler to delivery flyer’s door-to-door
  27. Setup a small Facebook Ad budget to get more Facebook likes
  28. Setup a small Facebook Ad budget to target seller leads
  29. Target some expired listings with listing letters
  30. Prospect expired listings on the phone with these scripts
  31. Target individuals going through divorce with Facebook Ads
  32. Purchase billboards and drive traffic to a lead converting website
  33. Car magnets can provide additional branding
  34. Reach out to the neighborhood associations and find ways to get involved in neighborhoods you want to sell real estate in
  35. Create or order quick pop-by gifts
  36. Offer free garage sale signs for additional marketing visibility
  37. Volunteer at an event in a niche you’d like to dominate
  38. Host a contest that generates contact information (preferably an email list) for your business
  39. Give away freebies at open houses
  40. Write 3 thank you notes for the past 3 people who’ve done a favor for you
  41. Create a calendar giveaway
  42. Start a home make over giveaway
  43. Start marketing online better with an Easy Agent Pro LeadSite
  44. Host seminars at local real estate investing meetings and give away advice
  45. Reach out to local college programs to find young potential team members
  46. Speak on a local radio show
  47. Canvas Neighborhoods with door flyers
  48. Door knock in neighborhoods you’re farming
  49. Send out holiday postcards
  50. Create a quick YouTube Video explainer video introducing your entire team

Tuesday: Sphere Conversion Optimization


After you’ve worked on getting more traffic, you need to work on building up your sphere of influence. Or your core group of business. These 50 tactics will help you generate more referrals and business from this section of your business.
Your sphere is probably the most important component to any business. These people need to be treated with care. If you pull this off successfully, a large number of your contacts will do business with you again.

The Real Estate Marketing Ideas To Curate A Profitable Sphere:
  1. Choose a CRM – This is a simple step. But you must take it. There is no way to be successful in this business without a CRM to manage your contacts.
  2. Decide on a followup schedule for your contacts and set reminders in your CRM
  3. Touch your inner circle of referral business at least once per month
  4. Schedule holiday postcards to go out in late November
  5. Take a close contact out to lunch
  6. Throw a party for your inner clients
  7. Ask for referrals through email
  8. Followup with clients after the sale – you can automate this through automated email providers and Google Forms
  9. Join groups that have a similar demographic of your inner circle like Chamber of Commerce Events
  10. Write a weekly or bi-weekly newsletter for your contacts
  11. Get past clients to leave you a review on Yelp
    1. Here’s a script:
      Hi (name),
      It’s always my pleasure to email customers and thank them for their business because I realize that you could have chosen to do business with someone else. So again, thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with you.
      The other reason I’m writing you today is to ask for your feedback about your experience working with me. I generally use this feedback as a testimonial in my marketing material. Please take a few minutes to share your feedback so that I can improve as an agent. Simply visit (link to site) to leave your thoughts.
      Thanks again!
  12. Get past clients to leave you a review on Google Places
  13. Hand out 10 business cards everyday.
  14. Partner with a mortgage banker to provide champagne and balloons upon closings
  15. Write handwritten notes to every client right after they move in
  16. Order HUGE thank you cards locally 2.5 FT by 4 FT and deliver them to clients a few weeks after the closing
  17. Setup your LinkedIn profile with all the proper job descriptions
  18. Invite all your past connections and friends to your LinkedIn page
  19. Post daily tips to your LinkedIn Account. These 3 items will really help the number of people that see you on LinkedIn
  20. Setup retargeting campaigns on Facebook for people on your email list
  21. Setup retargeting campaigns on Google for people that have visited your website
  22. Create a ‘look-alike’ audience on Facebook that is 1% similar to your re-targeting list and run ads to them
  23. Use this SEO system to rank on the first page of Google for your number #1 niche. If you like horses, a good niche would be “Horse properties in XYZ City”
  24. Write blogs on a weekly or bi-weekly basis that provide value to your inner circle
  25. Create YouTube Videos that explain every step of the buying and selling process so you can provide extra value to your clients
  26. Feature Great Images and Houses On Your Facebook Page
  27. Work on your scripts to perfect your listing presentation
  28. Hit your numbers daily for staying in touch with contacts
  29. Send text messages to your contacts with cell phones
  30. Use popups on your real estate website to get more people into your CRM
  31. Write a free buyer guide to give away in exchange for contact information
  32. Write a free seller guide to give away in exchange for contact information
  33. Use Free home valuation tools to generate more seller leads
  34. Send postcards to clients for birthdays
  35. Try hiring a real estate virtual assistant to manage client followup
  36. Send the ‘break up’ email to convert more deal leads into conversations
  37. Use Zillow’s “Make me move” feature to find listings in those competitive markets
  38. Use seller wanted ads on Facebook and social media to find listings in markets where you already have a buyers
  39. Look at FSBO listings when trying to find houses for your buyers
  40. Try using Google Ads on Keywords like “Zillow Austin” and “Trulia Austin” to find cheaper bids on keywords
  41. Target real estate keywords through with your website to get more traffic
  42. Have your real estate assistant (24/7 Digital Nomad) follow up with all past clients to get more reviews online
  43. Hold networking events for your business clients to meet each other
  44. Target investors through developing useful information online for them and providing value through helpful emails
  45. Attend networking events and generate 10-20 new business contacts
  46. Religiously add everyone you meet to your CRM and have a followup schedule
  47. Update the look of your listing presentations and buyer presentations with Keynotes
  48. Use DocuSign or DotLoop to provide a better transaction experience to your clients
  49. Install Google Analytics to understand where your website visitors and clients are coming from
  50. Start using an app like Mailbox or Google’s Inbox to get to inbox 0 more often.

Wednesday: System Building

real estate marketing ideas

Building Systems Is The Only Way To Get Your Real Estate Business To The Next Level 
If you’re looking to earn above the average salary in real estate, you have to buy yourself more time through teams.

Here are 50 real estate marketing tips that will help you grow your team, get more done, and thus earn you more money:

  1. Write down exactly what you want to do on Facebook everyday
  2. Write out the top 10 negative emails or messages you get from clients. Then create a scripted response to them
  3. Create a formula that fits most of your blogging material and experiment with getting content created for you
  4. Get one of your neighborhood pages to rank on Page 1 of Google, document what it took to get there, and find people you help you reach page one for your other neighborhoods
  5. Define your followup system for inbound leads
  6. Setup automated followup and scheduling emails through your CRM to book more appointments
  7. Write down exactly what you want to do on Pinterest each day
  8. Define the way your team will answer the phone
  9. Set a blogging schedule and stick to it
  10. Define your method for real estate photography
  11. Create the followup system to get Yelp reviews
  12. Create another followup system to get reviews on Zillow
  13. Setup reminders to update all online profiles
  14. Create ‘scripts’ that can be used to easily create real estate videos
  15. Create a master growth plan that outlines when these systems will be created by you
  16. Establish a 3 year personnel chart that defines what positions you need to hire
  17. Write down the responsibilities for each position and how they interact with each other
  18. Schedule networking events on a weekly basis in your calendar
  19. Create a defined time to do cold FSBO prospecting
  20. Create a defined followup sequence for expireds in your area
  21. Once you master a task; find a way to have someone else do it within 2 weeks of mastery
  22. Set a goal of adding one new marketing method per month
  23. Find a mentor and use them to grow your business
  24. Create a marketing plan
  25. Develop a list of responses to common objections
  26. Set a schedule for making updates to your website
  27. Tweak your 30 second pitch for new leads
  28. Write down two sentence responses to common questions clients ask
  29. Memorize a list of restaurants to refer out for visiting clients
  30. Memorize your list of referrals for home improvement related partners
  31. Add local trade shows and networking events to your marketing calendar
  32. Make sure your business information is accurate online and offline
  33. Set a bi-annual reminder to check your business information
  34. Regularly reach out to new contacts and businesses for new partnership opportunities
  35. Make sure your CRM reminds you to have a major checkin with leads 1 month and 1 year after the transaction
  36. Develop a referral system
  37. Systemize the gifts you provide to clients upon closing
  38. Establish a clear listing marketing plan
  39. Write down how you’ll share listings on social media to get more attention to them
  40. Create standardized real estate listing copy that is modified for each listing to ensure you’re listings always have great copywriting
  41. Define what sponsorship opportunities your business will and will not support
  42. Systemize the on boarding process for new team-members
  43. Systemize the hiring and recruiting process for new team-members
  44. Challenge yourself to always learn by taking new courses
  45. Setup Google Drive, Evernote, or Dropbox with all the folders you need to keep yourself organized
  46. Figure out your real estate tax document tracking method with a professional
  47. Invest in a web lead generation system that helps you grow your business
  48. Setup a daily schedule that you can religiously follow
  49. Define the one number your business is going to track and set your goal for that number
  50. Challenge yourself to learn one new thing about real estate law, sales, marketing, or transactions per day.

Thursday: Setup For Online Success: 50 Ways To Improve Your Online Image

real estate marketing ideas

When it comes to online marketing in real estate, the first step is getting everything setup correctly and attracting your first followers. This means getting 100 people to like your Facebook Page. Or uploading your first 20 videos to YouTube and getting 20 views on each of them.
These are first steps for a lot of agents.  But they can also get established agents a bigger book of business.  It really just depends what type of real estate marketing ideas you need right now.
If you’re looking to grow what you’re doing online, these ideas are for you.
If you’re already strong online, these ideas are probably already done in your case.

Let’s get into these online profiles you need to setup:
  1. Setup a Facebook Page and invite your friends
  2. Setup your Zillow Profile
  3. Optimize your Google Places Profile like this
  4. Create a quick local guide to the restaurants out-of-towners should visit
  5. Reach out to the restaurants in your guide and seek co-marketing opportunities
  6. Have a brand that matches your domain or URL online
  7. Join 5 Facebook Groups Locally and post useful information in them once per week
  8. Join all local groups on LinkedIn and post thoughtful articles in them
  9. Create a Twitter Account: be sure to include your websites URL
  10. Setup stock shareable graphics on Canva to use on social posts
  11. Get your first 100 followers on Twitter
  12. Setup your Instagram page
  13. Setup your Pinterest profile
  14. Join 2 group boards on Pinterest and start contributing to them
  15. Setup your Google Plus profile
  16. Create a YouTube Channel for your explainer videos you’ll be making
  17. Get a website that has your listings, a blog, neighborhood pages, landing pages, and plenty of calls to actions
  18. Create a profile if applicable
  19. Setup your business on Yelp
  20. Optimize your LinkedIn profile to high light your experience
  21. Create a landing page for Seller CMAs
  22. Create a landing page for scheduling appointments with you
  23. Create a landing page for free buyer guides
  24. Create a landing page for your testimonials
  25. Setup a standard retargeting Facebook campaign to get traffic back to your website
  26. Setup email response templates in Gmail with Streak or Hubspot’s SideKick to optimize response time
  27. Create an email signature that specializes in getting referrals
  28. Implement popups on your real estate website to start growing your email list
  29. Setup Hootsuite, Buffer, or Social Sprout to start managing your social media campaigns better
  30. Consider moving your real estate team over to Slack for better communication instead of using email, text, and phone as much
  31. Setup a listings board on Pinterest
  32. Create a ‘waiting list’ email list for your most popular neighborhoods of people who’d like to live in that neighborhood eventually
  33. Research some basic SEO tips and setup a sitemap on your website for easy indexing
  34. Add testimonials to your social media accounts
  35. Setup custom images on social media.
  36. Create a list of Keywords that are relevant to you
  37. Find the top realtors who use your marketing methods and reach out to them for more ideas on how to market better
  38. Write a definitive guide for buying homes in your area
  39. Write a definitive sellers guide
  40. Create a blog content creation schedule
  41. Add social sharing buttons to your website
  42. Get your first 10,000 real estate website visitors
  43. Order a video intro to use on all your Youtube videos
  44. Create a PDF that clearly defines the value of doing business with you
  45. Invest in a quality microphone that you can use to create Youtube videos
  46. Invest in a quality headset that makes you sound good on the phone
  47. Get your first 10 backlinks to your website from associations with websites that you frequently work with
  48. Get your first 100 Fans on Facebook
  49. Upload 10 Youtube videos and get them over 20 views each
  50. Write over 300 words of content on all your neighborhood pages

Friday: Online Marketing 2.0

real estate marketing ideas

  1. Touch up your Zillow Profile
  2. Create an profile
  3. Setup IFTTT to send you a text every time you get an email lead
  4. Set a goal to grow your traffic by 20% this month through promoting your blog posts
  5. Write 25 blog articles that address the common issues in real estate
  6. Write neighborhood pages that actually give people a sense of the community
  7. Get a guest blog published on a national site like Inman or RIS Media
  8. Partner with a mortgage banker on a content creation schedule for your website
  9. Create infographics with information about market updates
  10. Write a roundup post that mentions top real estate related bloggers online to gain more exposure.
  11. Comment on popular posts on social media with your insight to a particular blog post
  12. Comment on other real estate agents blogs
  13. Contribute occasionally to Active Rain
  14. Write the occasional long-form post on LinkedIn
  15. Create blog content that helps agents get started in real estate to help recruit more agents to your team
  16. Educate sellers through blogs, video, and social as to why FSBO may not be the way to go
  17. Create calls to action on the side of your blog that link to lead capturing landing pages
  18. Create inspirational social media images of amazing places to live and amazing homes to look at
  19. Create a SEO Pinterest Board that will rank highly on Google for SEO Terms
  20. Partner with the local experts on real estate investing to get more investor clients
  21. Claim and occasionally post content to sites like Storify, Bundlr, and Medium where you can create useful resources that then link back to your original resource.
  22. Setup Google Ads for seller keywords in your farming neighborhoods
  23. Setup Google Ads for buyers that link to your lead capture IDX pages
  24. Create a “Best of the Area” award blog post that you award each year. You can then get the winners to share your website and link back to you
  25. Invest a percentage of each commission check into real estate marketing ideas that are producing leads for you
  26. Comment on the top agent estate blog posts daily
  27. Share articles daily on Google Plus that you learned something from
  28. Connect with all past clients, new leads, and other agents on LinkedIn
  29. Produce one YouTube video per week and include calls to action to your website
  30. Use tools like SpyFu to see what PPC ads your competitors are running
  31. And a tool like Moz Open Site Explorer to see what backlinks your competitors have
  32. Signup for a image program like Big Stock that lets you download images for cheap everyday
  33. Curate lists of popular or useful articles on your website to get the attention of publishers and help your visitors learn more
  34. Install and monitor your Google Analytics
  35. Use a tool like Agency Analytics to monitor your SEO rankings
  36. Integrate text message notifications when you receive a lead
  37. Streamline CRM followup with marketing automation
  38. Track all texts, emails, and calls in one CRM
  39. Created dedicated blog posts or pages that high light your listings in a certain area
  40. Update your social media bios to really represent your brand
  41. Study copywriting and then review the past 15 emails you’ve sent to leads. Are they attractive?
  42. Monitor open and click rates in your emails with SideKick
  43. Get an auto scheduling application like ScheduleOnce to help you automatically book more appointments
  44. Signup for Meetup and start attending local group meetups
  45. Use Google Forms or another survey tool to get feedback about your services
  46. Consider buying leads from a 3rd party source if you have proper followup systems in place
  47. Hire a cold caller to generate leads for you
  48. Create client testimonial videos
  49. Consider using the Bing Ad network for cheaper clicks
  50. Partner with an agent in a different state to mutually promote each other online

Saturday: Defining Your Brand – What is your marketing trying to convey?

real estate marketing ideas

  1. Get your logo redesigned (or get a logo)
  2. Get a professional headshot
  3. Define your brand identity
  4. Get giveaways printed with your branding
  5. Find a real estate slogan you can stand behind
  6. Get reviews that directly backup your slogan
  7. Be techy if your brand is techy
  8. Make sure your website matches your brand and makes you hirable
  9. Have niche pages on your website that define your brand
  10. Have niche related video content on your website that is unique to your brand
  11. Specialize in one thing over a long period of time to make your branding permanent
  12. Repeat your branding on every piece of content you produce
  13. Buy personalized cards
  14. Invest in your personal appearance and clothing
  15. Get partner logos on your website and social media platform for relationships that build your brand
  16. Develop a personal guarantee that resonates with the type of client you want to represent
  17. Repeat your branding message once a week on all social media platforms
  18. Create consistent brand imaging on all social media sites
  19. Invest in stationary that properly represents your brands image
  20. Walk your clients out of your office to their car
  21. Invest in unique real estate signs that sets your brand apart.
  22. Sponsor a fundraiser and gracefully put your branding on various materials there
  23. Find cheap local newsletters to display your branding in
  24. Get business cards designed that represent your brand better
  25. Come up with a real estate team name, logo, slogan, and business card that are all in line with each other
  26. Keep the same real estate domain name for the duration of your business
  27. Include your branding material in your email signature
  28. Make sure your logos and colors match on all flyers you send out.
  29. Strive to be interviewed on podcasts, YouTube channels, so that you can develop a brand that is bigger than yourself online
  30. Take any local or industry specific speaking opportunity you can acquire
  31. Separate your brand from your brokerage as much as possible
  32. Repeat the same branding message on everything from pens, pencils, to balloons you have at open houses
  33. Use custom banners and balloons at your open houses
  34. Host free seminars to help out home buyers at community centers
  35. Take local sponsorship to the next level by partnering with everyone from coffee shops to local farmers markets
  36. Separate your flyers from others by using a higher quality of paper or using odd paper sizes
  37. Ensure that everyone on your team uses the same style of your logo
  38. Create brand specific flyer templates that separate your listings marketing presentation
  39. Speak at local high schools to spread the word of your brand
  40. Invent a real estate term and use it in several blogs. You’ll start showing up on the first page of Google for it
  41. Struggling to stand out? Create a branded term for that service and define how you do it differently
  42. Invest in high quality graphic design from day 1
  43. Monitor mentions of your brand’s name with Google Alerts and reply quickly
  44. Use the same headshot in every article, guest post, and social platform you signup for
  45. Choose the 1 thing you want your brand to be known for and only focus on being the expert on that one thing
  46. In your videos and blogs, develop an insiders only language that starts to create a community
  47. Tie your brand to the type of clients you already like working with
  48. Don’t change your branding frequently (or at all)
  49. Invest in unique content as much as possible online to get the word out about your brand
  50. Mention your brand’s message at the end of every blog post you write to keep your branding front of mind

Sunday: Establishing Frequency Of Sale & Continuing Education


Finally, you need to always be improving yourself as an agent to boost your business. These tips will help you stay relevant, and thus increase your frequency of sale. Here are some real estate marketing ideas that will help you get smarter as an agent.

  1. Read a real estate marketing article about something you don’t understand.
  2. Research and truly understand the ins-&-outs of your market
  3. Take this course on getting your first 10,000 real estate website visitors
  4. Take this free course on setting up Google Ads
  5. Learn from Google’s Online Marketing university
  6. Study Inbound Marketing with Hubspot for Free
  7. Take CopyBloggers awesome course on Lead Generation
  8. Learn from AppSumo how to get your first 1 Million Visitors
  9. Study the in-depth workings of SEO from Udemy
  10. Take a video lesson in about online marketing by Quicksprout University
  11. Learn more about graphic design from Canva
  12. Want more referrals? Check out Tyler Smith’s blog
  13. Do you not take enough action to see success? Try watching Tom Ferry’s training videos
  14. Want more tips for getting SEO backlinks? Check out Backlinko
  15. Need advanced digital marketing advice? Digital Marketer has great content!
  16. Want to get better overtime? Track your time with TimeDoctor. You’ll be shocked what you do
  17. Are you struggling to get to the next level? Try journaling to find activities and reoccurring feelings. These might be the things holding you back

Let’s wrap this up…

If you haven’t figured this out by now, the point of this post is simple.

There is massive opportunity in real estate. And there are only so many things you can do to market yourself as an agent.

Know what that means?

There aren’t any secrets. If you want to make millions in this industry or if you want to make an above average salary, the route to success is through massive execution.

What are you going to do first?

These marketing ideas are sometimes easy and other times challenging. Are you going to take the energy to execute on them today?

Let me know in the comments below!


Monday, March 28, 2016

Habits of the Millionaire Real Estate Agent

Top producing real estate agents didn’t get to to the top overnight. It is not by sheer luck either. Perseverance and a set of good practices and habits carried out consistently with discipline are the factors that lead to top level performance.
Here are a few of the habits of millionaire real estate agents and the general practices that your top producing peers exercise to create their success:

Keep Up With Technologyiphone6

Technology moves fast, tomorrow it will have already changed. When it comes to business, where your client’s attention lies is exactly where you need to be. Millionaire agents understand this. Take a look at their websites, their social media accounts and which new smartphone and tablet they are using.

It isn’t a coincidence that they are active on the very same platforms that their prospective clients are. Remember that the best sales strategies start with meeting your prospects where they are, and that means engaged with today’s trendy tech platforms and gadgets.
Technology is the easiest point of leverage for your business.

Give Exceptional Client Service

The sale is in the experience and this is an understanding that millionaire realtors know very well. The Client Experience is the determining factor for the future of your business. All the hard work, prospecting, marketing and showings in the world will not matter much if the client experience doesn’t keep them around, get them to repeat business with you and send you referrals.
Responsiveness, follow up, doing the little things (remembering birthdays, the client’s kid’s birthday, anniversaries of both marriage and home purchases) and doing exactly what you commit to will improve the client’s experience with your business. Want to be a millionaire real estate agent? Start doing exactly what millionaires are doing… which is everything to exceed the expectations of their clients, every day.

Delegate, Delegate, Delegate

How do you earn millions of dollars in commissions as a real estate agent? You don’t! Your delegated team does the “work” while you build and maintain the relationship with your clients that leads to the sale.
All of the administrative paperwork, email follow up, prospecting calls, marketing materials and non-commission-generating activities are delegated to your staff.
Thousands of top producing agents across the country are delegating virtual to further their leverage their time, their expenses and results. Want to have a prospecting assistant generate leads for you? Set up a FREE Consultation to discuss what your business goals are and how a virtual assistant will get you there.

Area Experts

Do you know your market? You would be surprised by the information that a top producing agent will know about their given market, the surrounding cities, community involvement and so much more. Be the expert in your area, get involved in the community, and get to know the major players in other industries as well. The movers and shakers in your market will be a wealth of knowledge that you can extract and use.
Go back to the schoolyard days and “make new friends.”

Set Specific and Measurable Goals

A goal is useless if it isn’t highly specific and measurable. Millionaire real estate agents know what they want. They really know, down to the stitching in the leather of their vehicle.
Begin setting goals that create emotion in you, then get detailed on what would give you the end result you’re aiming for. Then take it up a notch. Get crystal clear about what it is that you want to accomplish in your business, how many deals, what type of deals, what type of clients you want to work with, what area you want to master, and what end result you want to see hit your bank account.
Then create measurable actions that you can take, track and evaluate every day, week, month, quarter and year. Be meticulous and most importantly, be discipline.

Be Self-awareimage

Self-awareness is a topic that is rising to the surface more and more lately. Guess whose talking about it? Yep, the top producers in every industry and ideology.
Being self-aware is about knowing who you really are. Not the standard response, “I’m a real estate agent” or “I’m a father of 2,” but seriously knowing what makes you tick. What is the voice in your mind always right about? Why do you do what you do? And, this is critical, what are you good and what do you suck at?
Going back to delegating… knowing yourself, especially what your strengths are, should be the driving force of your daily actions. Why waste time doing what you are not amazing at? You can delegate the mundane tasks that eat your time and focus for only $8.60/hr.
Leverage your strengths, outsource your weaknesses and be self-aware.

Position Yourself for Every Opportunity

How do top producers land every kick-ass deal? They’re always in the right place and the right time aren’t they? Is it fate or could it be that they position themselves to be right where they need to be, on purpose?
Opportunities are everywhere and deals come from some of the most unpredictable sources. Millionaire agents position themselves to be ready for such opportunities in many ways. Going back to being area experts, they are join the community, they engage and build relationships that often yield additional relationships and deals. They also know when the market will move, that offers insight that the majority of agents miss.
Do you have the time for every opportunity? Most likely you don’t, but the millionaire agents do. They have more time to focus on opportunities as they outsource those non-commission-generating activities. How are you going to see that huge listing opportunity when your head is buried in paperwork and marketing materials?
You won’t, but your millionaire competing agent will.

Take Advice From Experts (Coaches)

It doesn’t matter the industry, all of the most successful business people on earth have experts that they take advice from, whether a mentor, coach or an expert in a particular area of their business. If you’re taking the top producing agents in your market out to lunch on a monthly basis, you’re crazy.
How about taking out an appraiser who is top dog in your area? I would bet he has insights to properties that agents are missing. Which banker does more deals for clients in your area than anyone else? Take them out and learn how to move sales through more efficiently.
Top producers ask a lot of questions and listen more than they speak. As salespeople we have a tendency to speak too much and the power of success is in listening.

Morning Rituals

What do you do in the morning? A study was done on the morning rituals of the most influential and successful business people on earth. What did they all have in common? Consistency, meditation and future-pacing.
They all had very consistent morning routines and almost all of them included some form of meditation, whether sitting in silence and just listening to surroundings or really going within the silence and into a higher state of consciousness.
When each were about to begin their day, they all future-paced what it would look like. From standing up and heading out the door, to the first phone call, to the result of that call, to the lunch appointment, to closing a deal, to cashing the check. Each day started with the end in mind. “Here is what my day will consist of as I see it laid out.”

Take “Off-Time”

Life cannot be all about work without play. Burnout is a common issue among motivated salespeople. We like to work our ass off, but often at the expense of our own health. It’s important to take time away, shut down, and really be “off.”
When you are a millionaire agent, time shifts and becomes an ally instead of an enemy. The idea that there isn’t enough time in the day, that is for those who don’t leverage themselves and their business well. The one constant and only equal that we all have in this life is TIME.
Take some of it off and let work be. If you’ve delegated as you should, then your business could run itself… I guess it’s time to book that consultation isn’t it?

*Call 24/7 Digital Nomad© 405.928.8467 to discuss your specific needs, to find out more about pricing and to get on track with your real estate administrative needs!  

Who Is 24/7 Digital Nomad?

We're committed to your success. We are premier Real Estate Virtual Assistants, working around the clock to handle your daily administrative support needs, ongoing social media, content marketing, and helping you stay in constant contact with your clients. 

Leverage your time and gain a competitive edge over agents who are doing it all themselves. Delegate your projects and daily administrative tasks.

We specialize in Transaction Coordination as well as Social Media Administrative tasks. Clients of 24-7 Digital Nomad© Real Estate Virtual Assistants rank among top producing Realtors affiliated with Harry Norman, Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate, Keller Williams Realty, Coldwell Banker, RE/MAX, and more.

We do it all from: Listing Coordination, Closing Coordination/Transaction Management, Database Management, and Social Media Support (like setting up your profiles, setting up tools for managing social media sites, and research information for blogs and writing blog posts) 

Expect impeccable work, reliability, quality service, and the most resourceful, efficient and competent VAs in the world.

24-7 Digital Nomad© Real Estate Virtual Assistants provide various types of data entry services from drafting word documents, maintaining spreadsheets, new listing input, and much more.

Our Specialties include:
Real Estate Virtual Office Management: 
· Transaction Coordination
· Contact Management
· Marketing Implementation
· Telemarketing – Cold/Warm Calls
· Web Site Maintenance
· Blogs
· Branding
· Daily Tasks
· Drip Campaigns
· Implementing Office Procedures and Systems
· Lead Management
· Listing Coordination
· Newsletters 
· Listing Presentations
· Search Engine Optimization
· Social Media Marketing
· And so much more

Give us a call to schedule a personal consultation and see how we can help you leverage your time and provide exceptional customer service. We can send you our “Working With Virtual Assistants” PDF.

This service is not limited to Real Estate, but for the savvy investor and entrepreneur who needs someone to handle their administrative needs. Call us at: 405-928-8467

Visit Us Here: