Top producing real estate agents didn’t get to to the
top overnight. It is not by sheer luck either. Perseverance and a set of
good practices and habits carried out consistently with discipline are
the factors that lead to top level performance.
Here are a few of the habits of millionaire real estate
agents and the general practices that your top producing peers exercise
to create their success:
Keep Up With Technology
Technology moves fast, tomorrow it will have already changed. When it
comes to business, where your client’s attention lies is exactly where
you need to be. Millionaire agents understand this. Take a look at their
websites, their social media accounts and which new smartphone and
tablet they are using.It isn’t a coincidence that they are active on the very same platforms that their prospective clients are. Remember that the best sales strategies start with meeting your prospects where they are, and that means engaged with today’s trendy tech platforms and gadgets.
Technology is the easiest point of leverage for your business.
Give Exceptional Client Service
The sale is in the experience and this is an understanding that millionaire realtors know very well. The Client Experience is the determining factor for the future of your business. All the hard work, prospecting, marketing and showings in the world will not matter much if the client experience doesn’t keep them around, get them to repeat business with you and send you referrals.Responsiveness, follow up, doing the little things (remembering birthdays, the client’s kid’s birthday, anniversaries of both marriage and home purchases) and doing exactly what you commit to will improve the client’s experience with your business. Want to be a millionaire real estate agent? Start doing exactly what millionaires are doing… which is everything to exceed the expectations of their clients, every day.
Delegate, Delegate, Delegate
How do you earn millions of dollars in commissions as a real estate agent? You don’t! Your delegated team does the “work” while you build and maintain the relationship with your clients that leads to the sale.All of the administrative paperwork, email follow up, prospecting calls, marketing materials and non-commission-generating activities are delegated to your staff.
Thousands of top producing agents across the country are delegating virtual to further their leverage their time, their expenses and results. Want to have a prospecting assistant generate leads for you? Set up a FREE Consultation to discuss what your business goals are and how a virtual assistant will get you there.
Area Experts
Do you know your market? You would be surprised by the information that a top producing agent will know about their given market, the surrounding cities, community involvement and so much more. Be the expert in your area, get involved in the community, and get to know the major players in other industries as well. The movers and shakers in your market will be a wealth of knowledge that you can extract and use.Go back to the schoolyard days and “make new friends.”
Set Specific and Measurable Goals
A goal is useless if it isn’t highly specific and measurable. Millionaire real estate agents know what they want. They really know, down to the stitching in the leather of their vehicle.Begin setting goals that create emotion in you, then get detailed on what would give you the end result you’re aiming for. Then take it up a notch. Get crystal clear about what it is that you want to accomplish in your business, how many deals, what type of deals, what type of clients you want to work with, what area you want to master, and what end result you want to see hit your bank account.
Then create measurable actions that you can take, track and evaluate every day, week, month, quarter and year. Be meticulous and most importantly, be discipline.
Be Self-aware
Self-awareness is a topic that is rising to the surface more and more
lately. Guess whose talking about it? Yep, the top producers in every
industry and ideology.Being self-aware is about knowing who you really are. Not the standard response, “I’m a real estate agent” or “I’m a father of 2,” but seriously knowing what makes you tick. What is the voice in your mind always right about? Why do you do what you do? And, this is critical, what are you good and what do you suck at?
Going back to delegating… knowing yourself, especially what your strengths are, should be the driving force of your daily actions. Why waste time doing what you are not amazing at? You can delegate the mundane tasks that eat your time and focus for only $8.60/hr.
Leverage your strengths, outsource your weaknesses and be self-aware.
Position Yourself for Every Opportunity
How do top producers land every kick-ass deal? They’re always in the right place and the right time aren’t they? Is it fate or could it be that they position themselves to be right where they need to be, on purpose?Opportunities are everywhere and deals come from some of the most unpredictable sources. Millionaire agents position themselves to be ready for such opportunities in many ways. Going back to being area experts, they are join the community, they engage and build relationships that often yield additional relationships and deals. They also know when the market will move, that offers insight that the majority of agents miss.
Do you have the time for every opportunity? Most likely you don’t, but the millionaire agents do. They have more time to focus on opportunities as they outsource those non-commission-generating activities. How are you going to see that huge listing opportunity when your head is buried in paperwork and marketing materials?
You won’t, but your millionaire competing agent will.
Take Advice From Experts (Coaches)
It doesn’t matter the industry, all of the most successful business people on earth have experts that they take advice from, whether a mentor, coach or an expert in a particular area of their business. If you’re taking the top producing agents in your market out to lunch on a monthly basis, you’re crazy.How about taking out an appraiser who is top dog in your area? I would bet he has insights to properties that agents are missing. Which banker does more deals for clients in your area than anyone else? Take them out and learn how to move sales through more efficiently.
Top producers ask a lot of questions and listen more than they speak. As salespeople we have a tendency to speak too much and the power of success is in listening.
Morning Rituals
What do you do in the morning? A study was done on the morning rituals of the most influential and successful business people on earth. What did they all have in common? Consistency, meditation and future-pacing.They all had very consistent morning routines and almost all of them included some form of meditation, whether sitting in silence and just listening to surroundings or really going within the silence and into a higher state of consciousness.
When each were about to begin their day, they all future-paced what it would look like. From standing up and heading out the door, to the first phone call, to the result of that call, to the lunch appointment, to closing a deal, to cashing the check. Each day started with the end in mind. “Here is what my day will consist of as I see it laid out.”
Take “Off-Time”
Life cannot be all about work without play. Burnout is a common issue among motivated salespeople. We like to work our ass off, but often at the expense of our own health. It’s important to take time away, shut down, and really be “off.”When you are a millionaire agent, time shifts and becomes an ally instead of an enemy. The idea that there isn’t enough time in the day, that is for those who don’t leverage themselves and their business well. The one constant and only equal that we all have in this life is TIME.
Take some of it off and let work be. If you’ve delegated as you should, then your business could run itself… I guess it’s time to book that consultation isn’t it?
*Call 24/7 Digital Nomad© 405.928.8467 to discuss your specific needs, to find out more about pricing and to get on track with your real estate administrative needs!
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